As you may have already surmised I have a passion for Tigers. Why do I find these beautiful and exotic aninals so fascinating? I think perhaps William Blake said it best in his poem The Tyger. Unfortunately there may not be be any tigers left alive in the wild much longer. There are approximately 200 Siberian Tigers (the largest true cat in the world) left alive in the wild. They have fallen prey to habitat destruction and the inroads of poachers. Poachers sell the skins and various body parts to make quack nostrums, such as aphrodisiacs, that are in great demand in some parts of the world. Of the eight subspecies of tigers in the world, only five still exist. The Javan, Balinese and Caspian subspecies are extinct. Will the Siberian tiger be the next to join this list of irretrievably lost species? To learn more about these beautiful animals and their plight, check out the sites below. Also, check out my Tyger Pics page. (This page is grahics intensive and may take awhile to load, but it's worth it.)

According to the Chinese calendar, 1998 is the Year of the Tiger In celebration of this and in recoginition of the plight of the tiger, worldwide, the World Wildlife Federation (WWF) has a put up a new web site The Year For The Tiger. This is a great site, with lots of interesting facts, some great pictures and some fun activities. Check it out!!!!



Tales of the Tyger

WWF - Year For The Tiger

Tiger Town
The 5 Tigers Site
Bagheera; A Site for Endangered Species
Big Cats On Line
WWF 2000 The Living Planet Campaign
Tiger Rescue
The National Foundation For The Protection Of Eagles
For Norris Blackburn


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